

Lisa Rock was born in 1985 in Marlborough, MA, and currently lives and works in Oakland, CA. She received her MFA in Studio Art from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and her BFA in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design. Rock has been an artist in residence at the Vermont Studio Center and the Black Rock Desert NCA (AIR) program. Recent solo exhibitions include In Bloom at Nick Ryan Gallery in Boulder, CO, Overgrowth at Johansson Projects in Oakland, Monterey Museum of Art's Currents Gallery, and Merge Visible at NIAD Art Center in Richmond, CA. Select group shows include Swelter, at Good Mother Gallery in Los Angeles, Summer Intermission, at Soft Times Gallery in San Francisco, and Flowers at Pacific Saw Works in Oakland, CA.

Snapshots from her daily walks become source material for her paintings. She searches for overlooked gems in the urban landscape which typically involve the relationship between natural and humanmade forms. The formal issues of color, pattern, and light/shadow are of particular interest to her. The paintings ultimately become a way for her to explore the space between abstraction and representation.